Latest Episodes
The Atlas Society Asks Wilfred Reilly
Dr. Wilfred Reilly is a political science professor at Kentucky State University -- a top-30 historically black college. He's the author of several books...
The Atlas Society Asks Scott Atlas
Dr. Scott Atlas, a radiologist and political commentator, served as an advisor on the Trump White House Coronavirus Task Force. He is the author...
Current Events with Hicks and Salsman
The Atlas Society Senior Scholars Stephen Hicks and Richard Salsman join host Jennifer Grossman for an Objectivist perspective on a recent Media Bias study,...
The Atlas Society Asks Jonathan Emord
One of our nation’s top constitutional lawyers, Jonathan Emord is the author of The Authoritarians: Their Assault on Individual Liberty, the Constitution, and Free...
The Atlas Society Asks Robert Tracinski
Robert Tracinski is the author of the "Tracinski Letter," a newsletter that covers culture and politics from an individualist perspective, and "So Who Is...
The Atlas Society Asks Antonella Marty
CEO of La Sociedad Atlas and Senior Fellow at The Atlas Society, Antonella Marty is the Associate Director of the Center for Latin America...